Skijordue features four competitive events for you to participate in:
- Circuit – Timed event. Shaped track with obstacles
- Relay – Timed event, heats. Straight track, skier swap
- Sprint – Timed event, heats. Straight track
- Long Jump – Distance event
Plus the Alpine Lounge Race & Calcutta Auction ,Trick Riding & Skiing Exhibitions, A Winter Maker’s Market and an Aprés Ski Party
Event Maps
Individual timed runs. Rollers, bales, gates, berms, rings, up-down ramp, jump. Five Second penalty for missing an obstacle or gate. Five second penalty is assessed for each missed jump, ring or gate and/or horse breaking the plane of any jump, hitting a gate, or hitting a timing device. Horse or slider touching course boundary results in disqualification.
Timed, run in heats of 4 abreast Gun or flag start. 90m straight track, no obstacles. Slider A starts, hands off rope to Slider B. Time determined by horse’s nose crossing the finish line. Slider must finish in an upright position on at least one ski, with rope in hand when crossing the finish line. Both slider’s boots must cross the finish line.
Timed, run in heats of 5 abreast. Gun or flag start. 200m straight track, no obstacles. Time determined by horse’s nose crossing the finish line. Slider must finish in an upright position on at least one ski, with rope in hand when crossing the finish line. Both slider’s boots must cross the finish line.
SEND: Ramped approach, flat takeoff, ramped landing.The distance of the jump will be measured at the heel of the back boot landing. Slider must demonstrate control by skiing out of the landing. The Field Judge shall have the final decision if the slider is in control upon landing.